These classes will be the most-common thing you'll interact with when using this package.
Typically, you'd be using the SuperCamo singleton class for its static methods and defining your own document models by inheriting from NedbDocument and NedbEmbeddedDocument classes.
NodeJS CommonJS import:
const {SuperCamo} = require("@bigfootds/supercamo"); SuperCamo.clientConnect(/* params go here */);
constSuperCoolPackage = require("@bigfootds/supercamo"); SuperCoolPackage.SuperCamo.clientConnect(/* params go here */);
ES6 Import:
import {SuperCamo} from"@bigfootds/supercamo"; SuperCamo.clientConnect(/* params go here */);
These classes will be the most-common thing you'll interact with when using this package.
Typically, you'd be using the SuperCamo singleton class for its static methods and defining your own document models by inheriting from NedbDocument and NedbEmbeddedDocument classes.
NodeJS CommonJS import:
ES6 Import: