The data structure used by NedbClients to initialise a collection when setting up a database connection.
You, as a user of the SuperCamo package, will typically use this class when first connecting to a database - and no other times.
let newClient = SuperCamo.clientConnect( "ExampleDatabase", "./ExampleDatabase/", [ new CollectionListEntry("Users", User), ]); Copy
let newClient = SuperCamo.clientConnect( "ExampleDatabase", "./ExampleDatabase/", [ new CollectionListEntry("Users", User), ]);
Reference to the NedbDocument-inheriting class used to define the collection's data structure.
Name of the collection.
The data structure used by NedbClients to initialise a collection when setting up a database connection.
You, as a user of the SuperCamo package, will typically use this class when first connecting to a database - and no other times.