Interface BaseDocument

interface BaseDocument {
    collectionName: null | string;
    data: DocumentConstructorData;
    parentDatabaseName: null | string;

Implemented by


collectionName: null | string

The name of the collection that the data for this document instance has come from. Useful for checking if a database already has this document when a database client is using the same model in multiple collections, from the document or generic functions.

However, this will be null if the document instance was created without the involvement of a database query.

No value:

let newUser = await User.create({username:"alex"});
console.log(newUser.collectionName); // null/undefined expected

Some value:

let newUser = await someDbClient.create({username:"alex"}, "Users");
console.log(newUser.collectionName); // Value of "Users" appears here, because someDbClient passed that into the document that it created


Storage of the document data, used when making instances of document-based classes to create documents.

eg. this.username would define the rules that the data must obey for the username property of a document, while the actual data for username should live in


parentDatabaseName: null | string

The name of the database that the data for this document instance has come from. Useful for checking if a database already has this document, from the document or generic functions.

However, this will be null if the document instance was created without the involvement of a database query.

No value:

let newUser = await User.create({username:"alex"});
console.log(newUser.parentDatabaseName); // null/undefined expected

Some value:

let newUser = await someDbClient.create({username:"alex"}, "Users");
console.log(newUser.parentDatabaseName); // someDbClient's `name` value appears here, because someDbClient passed that into the document that it created
